Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What is going on???


I know many of you are wondering about what is going on with Katie. I am her sister, Kara, and I wanted to create this blog, so that we could inform the community about what is going on, as well as, pray, encourage and support Katie throughout this situation.

One thing that I ask though is please do not put any mean, rude or negative comments on here. That is not what this blog is meant for and if there are any of those types of comments on here I will delete this blog and I would hate to have to do that. So if you cannot say anything nice, please do not say anything at all. Thanks!

Katie is at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and she was brought up there this past weekend. She is in very good hands there and she has several doctors trying to figure out what is wrong. They are all very nice and working as hard as they can to figure out what is going. Katie has also had several medical test done and all of those have came back negative, which is a good thing. Katie was at St. Bernards before she was moved to Barnes and they did everything that they could for her there. As one doctor pointed out and I agree with him, he said "St. Bernards medical hospital is meant to treat your everyday brown horse and Barnes-Jewish is meant to treat zebras and right now Katie is a zebra". Therefore, Katie is in the right place, and now it is just a matter of being patient, waiting and knowing that God has the situation under control. As of now all we can do is pray, support and encourage Katie.

I will update this blog every 2 to 3 days, if not sooner than that. I know that many of you will have questions after reading this and most of them we probably cannot answer, but if you would like to ask any questions you may send me a message through Facebook. I will try to answer it the best I can for you. Also, my family and I want to thank everyone for all the support, thoughts and prayers!!! They have definitely helped us get through this difficult time and they will continue to help us get through the rest of this.

James 1:2-3
Consider it a great joy, my brother and sisters, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.