Sunday, January 6, 2013

Looking good!

Katie is still doing very well! Her speech has gotten so much better over the last week. Her eye is looking very good and you can hardly tell that she had a black eye, which is good. Katie has been doing good in all of her therapies and she can now tie her shoes will little or no assistance. The staff here at MRC is also working with Katie on becoming more independent and doing things on her own. Katie has gotten used to everyone helping her and doing stuff for her since she was not able to do it herself. So, now they are wanting her to get use to doing those things on her own again, since she has gained the ability back to do that. She sometimes get frustrated with having to do things on her own, but she understands why she needs to do it. For occupational therapy Katie now has checklists that she is doing and they remind her of the things she needs to do for the day. For example, she has to check off that she brushed her teeth and put her dirty laundry where is belongs.

Here in about two weeks Katie will be able to come home and stay for 4 to 5 days. Then, we will take her back up to Barnes hospital to do a 24 hour checkup. While she is there she will do her bio-therapy again as well as, be checked over from head to toe and monitored. They are doing this so that the doctors can determine if she needs to do more in-patient therapy or if she can move on to out-patient therapy. She is excited to get to come home for a few days and we think it will be good for her!

We want to thank everyone for encouraging us and taking time out of their day to read the blog, ask about Katie and visit Katie. Katie has really enjoyed the visitors and all of the cards and mail she has gotten. Thank you for doing all of that for her and for everything that you all have done for our family. Sorry that the blog has not been updated in several days, I have been sick but I am doing much better now.

Also, feel free to come visit Katie! During the week the best time to visit her is anytime after 4 pm. and on the weekends you can come between 9am and 8:30pm. You can visit Katie up until the 17th of January because she will come home on the 18th. You can also call or text Katie as well because she has her cell phone with her!

Romans 8:18- I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

Philippians 3:7-8- But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. 8 What is more I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for those who sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.