Sunday, December 30, 2012

Getting better each day!

Katie has been doing very well in the past couple of days. Her eye and head, where she fell, is healing up very well and looks alot better than it did a few days ago. Katie is still doing great with her walking and her speech is getting better each day. Now, she does not have to try and think about what she is wanting to say all of the time, but instead she can just say i. Whereas before it took her a few seconds to say what she wanted to. She is also talking in longer sentences than she was before. She used to only say a couple of words and that was all she could get out. Katie is still eating very well at all of her meals and she snacks throughout the day, so she has definitely gotten her appetite back.

Now, Katie did have a little episode the other day. She had told the nurses that her vision was going blury and she began shaking. The nurses believe she was having a seizure and it only lasted for a couple of minutes. She is fine now and the docotor believes this happended because they had taken her off a certain medicine because it was lowering her blood pressure. However, this medicine helped with the seizures and so they decided to give her the medicine again, but this time they are lowering the amount that she is taking. Since they have changed the amount of medicine she is taking she is doing fine and has not had anymore episodes.

Please keep the young woman at Barnes in your prayers. The doctors still have not figured out what she has, but they are all working very hard to find out what it is. Please pray for her family, that they will be comforted and have strength. The young woman has had a few small improvements here and there so that is a positive note!

Thank you everyone for helping our family out and for all of the continuous thoughts and prayers for my sister. It means so much to us and we are extremely thankful! I also would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year! I hope all of you are able to enjoy the New Year and spend time with your family and friends. Also, I  would like to encourage you to take a few minutes to reflect on the year and remember all the good times throughout the year! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Do not forget that you are more than welcome to come and visit Katie, as well as, call or text her. She has her cell phone on her and if you would like or need her number just get ahold of my mom or I and we will get it to you.

"Today, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one."