Thursday, January 10, 2013

Katie's coming home a week early!!!

Katie is coming home tomorrow! The staff  at MRC and the at the insurance company have discussed it and decided that Katie is well enough to come home tomorrow (January 11th) instead of next week. She has done an excellent job in her physical therapy and her therapist is very impressed with how well she is doing. She is also doing good with her occupational and speech therapy, but she could still use some more help in those areas. However, she is doing good enough that she is able to come home! She is very excited about getting to come home tomorrow and has been telling all of the other patients and staff here at MRC about going home.

Katie also had a crown fall out of her mouth and will be going to the dentist within the next week. It fell out the other day when she was eating some Mike n Ikes. While she was at Barnes she had grinded her teeth a lot unintentionally and could not stop herself from doing it because she did not have control of her body at that time. So we think that had a lot to do with it falling out. She has been doing fine the last couple of days and has not complained about it hurting which is a good thing. 

Now, Katie was suppose to be going back up to Barnes Hospital here in the next week in a half but for some reason, that we do not know yet, the staff up there canceled her appointment. So right now we are not sure what will happen next. We do know that she will need to go see the doctor in order to find out what the best and next move for Katie is. Right now some of the faculty here at MRC is getting a hold of the staff at Barnes, so that we can determine what our next step should be. I just ask that you will pray for all of this to go smoothly and that we will be able to clear this situation up and figure out what we need to do for Katie.

Thank you again for all of the thoughts, prayers and support that you have shown our family! We appreciate it very much and do not know what we would do without it. It has helped us out so much! It has also helped Katie out because she gets to come home!!!! Praise God!!! This is such a wonderful moment and our family is so excited that it came sooner than later! We know that she will still need therapy and has a while before she is completely back to her old self but it is a big step in the right direction and for that we are thankful. God has truly blessed us and Katie! He has kept Katie strong through this whole situation and provided us with everything we needed.

John 14:27- Peace I leave with you :my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Joshua 1:9- Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."