Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Positive Note

Today I saw Katie and she is in about the same state as she has been for the past few days. She has been unresponsive and sometimes she will look around, but if we talk to her she does not say anything back to us. She also does not talk any other time either, but this is also one of the symptoms. They have also got a feeding tube in her and she has been able to keep the food down the past couple of days and that is a good thing.

The doctors think they know what Katie has, but we are still waiting on the results to come back before they confirm it. If it is what they think she has it is a physical sickness and not a mental sickness, like we first thought. Katie has a great majority of the symptoms and it would explain a lot of her actions throughout the past few weeks. Also, if the results do confirm that Katie has what the doctors think it is then they have a way to fix it. However, that process could take quite a while, but Barnes Hospital has done this procedure before. I would give everyone the name of what they suspect Katie to have but I am going to wait until it is confirmed, just so we don't jump the gun or anything.

We also wanted to thank everyone for all their support and prayers, it means so much to us! Thank you very much!

I learned there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead, others come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready, you see. Now my troubles are going to have trouble with me.- Dr. Seuss