Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Katie is progressing pretty well. On Friday when we came in the doctors had told Katie that she did not have to use her wheelchair to get around anymore. Now she is able to just walk any where she goes. However, last night she woke up and the nurses are assuming that she was headed to the bathroom and she fell. When she fell she hit her head on the ground and now her eyebrow is somewhat swollen and her eye is a little black. She is doing better this evening and has been taking some pain medicine for her head. When Katie does therapy this week they are going to try and let her walk on her own again without the wheelchair. Right they are just being cautious and making sure the reason she fell was because she tripped on her blanket and not because her legs gave out.  Katie's speech is improving each day and she is becoming more clear to understand. Katie is still eating very well and is doing very well in all of her therapy.

If you would like to come and visit Katie you are more than welcome to. Here at the rehabilitation center they encourage family and friends to visit the patients. It is best to come around 4 or later in the evenings during the week. Then on the weekends she does not have any therapy and you can come between the hours of 9 to 8 to visit her. She would really enjoy the company and would like to see everyone.

Thank you for everything you all have done! It means so much to us and we are very thankful to have all of you in our life. Everyone has been amazing through this time! Thank you!

My mom, Katie and I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! We hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday and get to enjoy time with family and friends. Don't forget to tell your family and friends how much you love them and really spend time with them this holiday because you never know when they may not be here any more. Also, do not forget the true meaning of Christmas which is the birth of Jesus!!! Take some time this holiday to concentrate on that and remember the real meaning for Christmas.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.- Luke 2:11