Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A little update

Katie has been doing very well since she has been back home and we can definitely tell that she is glad to be home. She has been going to out-patient therapy and that has been going well for her. She seems to like it pretty well and understands that it is to help her get better. Katie can also talk very well now, sometimes she does have to think about what she is wanting to say, but it happens less often than before. Then, physically Katie is doing great! She can do pretty much anything she wanted to before. Katie does still have difficulty with certain things and it is kind of like her mind is in an innocent child-like state. She is very blunt about things and does not usually think about what she is saying, but just says what she thinks. However, that is part of the process and she will gradually get back to being her normal self. Katie also has some issues when it comes to sleeping. For example, she talks ALOT during her sleep and she kicks her legs like she is running. The doctors say that that is normal and it will slowly go away. On another note, we got Katie's crown fixed and that is all taken care. In addition, Katie does not have to go to the Barnes hospital again until March, unless something happens between now and then.

Today I read on the facebook page (anti-nmda receptor antibodies encephalitis) that people who get this disease tend to have it during the fall around September- November. I commented on it and said that is when Katie's started and many other people said the same thing. So I thought that was interesting and wanted to share that. If you are interested in learning more about this there are several facebook pages about this disease or people who have had it.

Thank you for your continuous prayers and thoughts. It means a great deal to us and we are soooo thankful.

"Don't tell me the sky is the limit, when there are footprint on the moon."

"Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, mind that forgets the bad and a soul that never loses faith in God."

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