Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The latest...

Katie has been about the same for the last few days. She has been running a fever and her heart rate has been kind of high lately; however, that is most likely a symptom of what she has. They still went ahead and moved her down a floor so that they can keep a better eye on her. She is in the PCU (progressive care unit) for neurology and neuroscience, which is for the patients who do not need to be in the ICU, but still need to be looked at and monitored more often. She has also been having episodes that look like seizures, but they are not which is a good thing. The doctors there have her protected though to where she cannot hurt herself while these episodes are happening and they have a camera on her 24/7, so Katie is always being watched.

Right now they are thinking that Katie has a disorder called Anti-NMDA receptor antibody and I know I didn't mention it earlier but I thought I would. They have not received the results back from the Mayo Clinic to confirm it yet, but still wanted to start on the treatment. So we are still not a 100% sure that this is what she has. The Anti-NMDA receptor antibody is mainly a disorder where the anti-bodies in her body are acting inappropriately and attacking her brain. This disorder is very new and has only been around and had a name for about five years. If you look up the disorder online it may be helpful to understand because it is confusing. As of now the treatment they are doing is called pheresis which is where they take out some of her blood at a time and spin it. When they spin the blood it separates the blood from the plasma and they get rid of the plasma because they believe that is where the bad anti-bodies are. This procedure will have to be done several times and  it will take a while before we will see any difference in Katie.

On a different note, I hope that everyone has a great Thanksgiving!!! Also, do not forget to tell your family and friends how much you love and care for them because you never know when they may not be there anymore. Have a wonderful holiday and thank you again for all the support and prayers!

Everything happens for a reason!


  1. And now these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love .
    1 Corinthians

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, our prayers are with you!

  3. Love you Kara! I just heard about katies condition two days ago at the fg basketball game the whole town is praying and supporting as always. You truly have an incredible family I admire your strength and faith in the lord. I'm so glad you posted this blog I just found it and will be checking it everyday. Have a happy Thanksgiving I will be continuing to pay for you and your family love you Lil Kara!!

  4. Hey Kara. Just want you and your mom to know that I am praying continually for Katie-bug and I assure you that God is listening. I am reading up on this to learn more. I believe that when we pray that we need to be as specific as possible, so I am doing just that as I learn more. (: Your faith is inspiring. To you and Ginny God must be saying, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

  5. Dear Miss Katie ~ You are forever in our hearts over here in Arkansas. Brianna, Courtney, and Miss Laura are praying for you sweetheart. God is THE God of life, and life more abundantly. You are His precious workmanship :) Love ~ Miss Laura Sword

  6. Ill be praying
    Amanda walton

  7. Thanks for the updates! Praying for guidance and wisdom for the doctors, strength and comfort for Katie, and peace and patience for you all!! Hang in there!

  8. Kara and Jenny, I just saw this blog and am so happy you are updating us here. All of you have been in my prayers since I first heard of Katie being so sick. My heart goes out to each of you. I pray for God's presense to be felt in your hearts giving you comfort that only He can give at such a time as this. Love you. Beverly Lemon
